Saturday, June 2, 2007

WTF????!!!! part 2

oh crap... its the same time of the year again... examz are over for everyone except me cos i've arrears!!!! yeah.. i better get used to it b y now,,,, the second time its happening.... well wtf!!! i dont feel like studyin,,,, or atleast the teachers teach like shit... people fukin study for the marks.. not for understanding the concept... i swear if i caught hold of my class topper and asked him a few a questions abt computer architecture, he'll be blank... no brains man... just fukin muggin,,,, this is bullshit... i'm supposed to learn stuff in college...but no... i'm supposed to learn the important question for the exam!!! this is crap... i mean by doin this i might get placed.. but whats the point..?? i'm gonna be fucked sooner or later durin my training,,,, hope thats wat happens to these bastards!!!!

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